The Buhor 25 is my first SPAD. Plans can be found here Spadtothebone
Photo's of plane in the grass where taken today. The nice landing photo's of the red oak runway where taken a few days ago. Was my maiden flight and all was going well, or so I thought. Ended up over the trees and one thing lead to another and I managed to land her in a red oak tree... 60+ feet off the round. The long and short of it is, I have a friend that loves trees and has tree spikes. He climbed and then lowered her down with a rope. Poped one control rod and that was about it. Took all of a few minutes to fix and then it was back to flying!
Todays flying was short and not so sweet. First flight was nice... winds where pretty high but the Buhor with the os .40 la flew nice! Took a few photos which I am including. Second flight was ended rather soon, and badly. Took off, banked a bit right to get me headon into the wind, climbed to about 175 feet. Had an alerion control arm fail. Went into a death spiral and thought I had it recovered about 20 feet off the ground. NOT, it lawn darted into the soft ground breaking the prop, blowing all the wing rubbers and breaking loose two servos. Looked like a big mess.
But is is a SPAD!!! Less than an hour when I got home I had her flight ready minus the prop. Will pick a few of them up after work! man I love these SPADS!
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