Monday, June 19, 2006
Demon canopy painted...

Sunday, June 18, 2006
SPADStang videos
First takeoff 3.4mb
Second takeoff 11.2mb
Fly by #1 1.35mb
Fly by #2 1.37mb
Fly over 4.76mb
Final landing 14.5mb
Mike as a pro builder and has done a fantastic job on his SPADStang! I think he said something about the Spitefire next, or was it the Mig 7? Nice work Mike!
"Specs, built to the plans on spadtothebone, powered by a OS la 46 with 11x7 prop "
Here are the photos...

Demon update...
Buhor crash update...
Last flight of the Buhor
Here are the last photos the Buhor took. Was hazy and hot, but had a great day before the crash :)

And here is a shot of the plane. Can not see all the damage real well from this photo, but it is there, trust me. I told my buddy Mike that was it for the Buhor. Well, went to lowes and bought a new fuse... sigh, I guess I will rebuild her. Need to cut new tail feathers as well, the ones that was on had some warp. Should have it back up before the weekend.

Friday, June 16, 2006
My RC flying had been electrics for the last few years. Up until a few months ago my favorite thing to fly was a little 20 inch electric wing from EdgeRC called a Pocket-250. The little thing could do about 60 mph when it was flying at it’s peak.
About 99% of our club flys glow and one guy flys almost all SPAD’s. After seeing his builds and how cool they where, I had to have one. I first built a Buhor 25 from plans I got at spadtothebone this past spring. It is a great trainer and I currently use it as my glow AP platform.
With one SPAD built and flying I had to have another. While searching ebay for engines and parts I happened to do a search for SPAD’s and up popped “The Shark”. A 3 pound coroplast (SPAD) flying wing! Now we are talking! I had just bid on a os max .25 engine and it would work great on the shark!
The shark is sold as an ARF. As I mentioned it weighs in at about 3 pounds. I purchased the 36 inch wingspan version. There is also a 40 inch version. The wing is constructed from 2mm coroplast with 4mm winglets and fins. The center fuselage is made from 2.5 x 2.5 inch plastic downspout. The shark comes with engine mount, fuel tank, firewall with blind nuts and control rods. It comes in a variety of colors, white, yellow, blue, red and grey.
The instructions that came with the Shark amount to one page of text and one page of pictures. Putting together my shark took me about 2 hours (I am rather slow, I think it could be done faster). The text is very straight forward and the photos where a help. I have to say that installing everything was super easy! The CG was spot on with the installed radio gear. The instructions call for 2 – 2 3/8 from the LE. I was at just about 2 1/8th. The wing is balanced inverted with no fuel.
When I installed my elevon control rods I used a straight edge on the bottom of the wing and set my elevons to be level with the bottom. This gave me a slight amount of up elevon. I was ready to try my Shark out.
The big day came and I took my gear and headed to the field. One of the guys was there (the spad guy) to witness my flight. After some engine adjustments I was ready to give her a toss. You hold the Shark by the top of the fuselage and give her full throttle. As recommended you must gave her an underhanded toss out and up. I walked over to the edge of some very tall grass, throttled up and gave her my best toss. The shark dipped ever so slightly and then just climbed like a rocket! Had to give her a few clicks of down and she was flying like an arrow!
Wow is this wing fun! Throws should be set to about ½”. Mine are set a bit larger so she is pretty sensitive. But man is the Shark a blast!
Landings can be pretty hot. She glides fairly well though and I landed her without much trouble. One thing about landing the Shark, there are no landing gears so you must not land under power. Also, set the prop so it goes horizontal when the engine shuts off. Keeps you from breaking them. Mine was a bit off and on my second landing I did break a prop. But that was my own fault and it has not happened since.
I bought a white wing, it gave me a nice blank canvas to put stickers all over, but it also made it dang near invisible at times! Keep in mind that a flying wing has a thin profile and it can be hard to see at times. I need to add some more color to mine! The stripes help but I need a bit more.
To sum up, fantastic! The Shark is well built, tough and flys like it is on rails! Great plane and well worth the money!
The Shark can be found on ebay by searching “Spad Shark”. At the time of this review the 36” is $45 plus shipping and the 40” is $49 plus shipping.
Next thing to do with my Shark, put a 40 or 46 on it! Wow!
I am in no way affiliated with or work for Roger Gagnon. This is an independent review done by me. The opinions expressed in this review are my own.
Demon Canopy Build

After 5 minutes of sanding with a 3M foam sanding block.

After 30 more minutes of sanding and shaping it is just about what I want. Thought I would see how it looked on the plane.

And to finish the night off I brushed on my first coats of water based polycrylic by MINWAX.

From here I will sand and then apply more polycrylic. I will do this a few times before I prime and paint the canopy. My reason for doing this is two fold. First, I will achieve a nice finish. And second, it will protect the foam from melting when I apply the spray based paint. More photos once I have it primed and painted!
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Little more AP today...
I have a feeling at some point I am going to be using this setup to locate someones downed plane. Having a laptop at the field would allow that to be done.
More on the demon build by the weekend. Thanks for viewing!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Demon wing almost done!
These wings are so simple to make!

Sunday, June 11, 2006
Made it to the field today!

I know that they are sorta boring, but I am excited that I am getting some shots and this SPAD is flying well. Photos of our grass field and a few of Somerset, PA. More to come now that I am back in the flying game!
Should be able to get back to building this week.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Progress is slow...

My parts shipped today to fix my needle valve on my Buhor! Not being able to fly a Radio Controlled airplane has been driving me nuts! Guess I need to get an electric on standby for these times :) Anyway, with some luck I should have my parts by the weekend.
Monday, June 05, 2006
Bummer :(
Sunday, June 04, 2006
The aerial photos
Buhor 25+, my first SPAD

The Buhor 25 is my first SPAD. Plans can be found here Spadtothebone
Photo's of plane in the grass where taken today. The nice landing photo's of the red oak runway where taken a few days ago. Was my maiden flight and all was going well, or so I thought. Ended up over the trees and one thing lead to another and I managed to land her in a red oak tree... 60+ feet off the round. The long and short of it is, I have a friend that loves trees and has tree spikes. He climbed and then lowered her down with a rope. Poped one control rod and that was about it. Took all of a few minutes to fix and then it was back to flying!
Todays flying was short and not so sweet. First flight was nice... winds where pretty high but the Buhor with the os .40 la flew nice! Took a few photos which I am including. Second flight was ended rather soon, and badly. Took off, banked a bit right to get me headon into the wind, climbed to about 175 feet. Had an alerion control arm fail. Went into a death spiral and thought I had it recovered about 20 feet off the ground. NOT, it lawn darted into the soft ground breaking the prop, blowing all the wing rubbers and breaking loose two servos. Looked like a big mess.
But is is a SPAD!!! Less than an hour when I got home I had her flight ready minus the prop. Will pick a few of them up after work! man I love these SPADS!
Blue Devil is coming along...wing work.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Mike's Demon, the red devil?
Here is a photo of Mike's red Demon. Flys like it is on rails! Hope mine does also so we can have some combat action! Will be a pleasure cutting off this red devils tail!
Devil with a blue dress!
Friday, June 02, 2006
Just getting started!
Well I am just getting started on my SPAD (Simple Plasic Aircraft Design) blog! I will be posting build pictures, flight pictures and what ever else I can post. May even get into some foam RC parkflyers. OH! And I will be posting Aerial Photography taken from my Radio Controlled model airplanes! Stay tuned!