Monday, September 25, 2006

busy busy busy

I can not believe how busy we have been! Geesh, I have not flown in what seems like forever! On top of that my daughter got married this past weekend! So much going on.. hope it slows down soon!

Here is my daughter Alishia and my son Tim. Alishia asked Tim to be in her wedding. It was nice to see them getting along. They where not super close growing up. But recently they have gotten a lot closer. It is nice :)

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Bob O'Conner memorial

As mentioned in the last post, we where asked to build a memorial that will be located in a cancer/lymphoma center in Pittsburgh, PA. Also I said in my last post that I would try to put up a picture or two. Well here they are.... the completed piece and a closeup of the pedestal...

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Flight time!

I was able to fly last few days. Ran about 11 tanks out of the FX-Cirrus now that I have Roberts original Thundertiger Pro 36 installed. Flys fast and is a bunch of fun. On my 5th tank today, I was making my last landing and I cut the approach to wide and clipped the top of a 30 foot pine. She went in hard and made one heck of a sound. Beside breaking the prop, it broke all 4 wing bolts and both gear bolts. Other than that there is not even a scratch on the plane. And of course I only had 4 bolts of the 6 I needed or I could have tossed on a new prop and flew again. Man I love SPADs!!!

Anyway, off to the HB shop tomorrow for some bolts.

Have been working on a big project for my wifes company ( so my time next few days will be limited once again. We where asked to build a memorial out of steel for the late Mayor of Pittsburgh, Bob O'Conner. Bob passed away suddenly with a rare form of brain cancer. We where honored when we were asked to create the piece. When we have the piece completed I will try to post a picture of it here.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Back and Busy

Will I have been back from vacation for awhile now. But have been very busy. Today was the first I made it to the field in a good while. Had some engine trouble so I was unable to fly. But fellow flyer Don showed up with his cloud dancer and I enjoyed watching him scream thru the air! I think I can see the light at the end of the current work tunnel. I should be able to post more often soon.

BTW, the plane I took was the FX-Cirrus. Finally got all the linkage in and an old os 40 installed. Turns out the os 40 needs rebuilt, or at the very least cleaned up. Will try to mount the TT 36 on the Cirrus this week.

Thanks for stopping by!